A ~Clerk(店員) of restaurant
B ~costume B
C ~costume C
D ~Doctor
B&C are good friends, they eat lunch together at a restaurant.
A: May I take your order?
B: Yes. I'd like the hamburger, a piece of pizza and french fries please.
A: Ok would you like some drink?
B: Coke please.
A: Sure. And how about your?
C: I have to think more ... What kind of food is healthy one in your menu?
A: Well... I recommend(推薦) our sandwich its doesn't use any oil and has a lot of vegetable, or you can try sushi ,the calories is a little higher but nutrition(營養) than sandwich, both of these are good choose for lunch.
C: Ok, please give me the sandwich.
A: Sure. Do you need anything drink?
C: Yes, please give me black tea.
A: Hot or ice?
C: Hot please.
A: Ok. And anything else? How about some chocolate? It's good for dessert(甜點)
C: No, thanks. Do you want some?
B: No, Neither am I.
A: Ok, then... I'm sorry about I forgot asked you which size of drink do you want.
C: What kind of size do you have?
A: We have venti, grande or tall.
C: Please give me tall. B how about you?
B: I want venti size.
A: Ok, here you are. Have a nice lunch.
C: Don't you think your order is too rich for lunch?
B: No, I think it's very delicious.
C: Really. Well that's fine.
B: How about you. Are you diet now? I think your order is healthy but nutrition not enough.
C: No, I'm not diet now. I always eat this menu for lunch.
B: Really... Ok that's fine.
In the afternoon
B: C I feel a very bad stomachache.
C: Maybe were you ate too greasy at lunch, but also am I feel a headache.
B: I think both of us have to go hospital.
C: Agreed.
In hospital.
D: Hi! What can I help you today.
B: I have a very bad stomachache after I ate the lunch.
D: Ok, let me check. What did you eat at lunch?
B: A hamburger, a piece of pizza, some french fries and a venti size coke.
D: Ok, I know the problem. You just eat too greasy and rich and your stomach can not accept(接受) that food. You need to eat more vegetables.
B: But I was ate a lot of french fries.
D: French fries is not vegetables. The vegetables which you need is greens(綠色蔬菜). Then how about you C?
C: I feel a headache.
D: What did you eat at lunch?
C: I just ate sandwich.
D: Ok, I see. Your problem is malnutrition. Maybe you two can mix your choose for lunch from next time. Ok, C I will call pharmacist give you a can of nutritional supplements(營養劑), you have to take it on specified time everyday for a month. And B you just have to eat more bland, and get a lot of rest for your stomachs. It's important and only this one way cat take you to health.
C,B: Ok, I see.
D: Good. Still have anything problem?
C,B: No, thank you.
D: Hope you two can get well soon.